It has become part of the daily routine for everyone to be aware of the rules we need to follow. What has changed over the last six months has informed our views and adapted our behaviour.
While there are still individuals who put others’ health at risk the majority are doing their best to model best practice.
We cannot fully prepare ourselves or the children for an uncertain future, as each day brings its own challenges, what we can do is take each day as it comes and stay focused on the rules. The washing of hands, wearing a mask, covering coughs, and social distancing.
Our own sense of security depends on us keeping informed of the guidelines, but it does not mean overloading on the constant doom and gloom conversations of the ill-informed.
Children need to be reminded clearly that they are safe and loved and cared for. They need to hear that we are all doing everything we can to live with the challenges.
Setting aside a special time each week to have this conversation will make a difference to any insecurity felt by children.
Having a positive upbeat conversation where you begin with a question like “So, how are we all doing now. Tell me some of the good stuff first, anybody?” Acknowledging the good stuff, you can then ask about the ups and downs they might have. If you can include something of note from yourself it opens the children’s minds to the possibility that others including the teacher are going through this too.
The idea of us all being in it together can ground a child and encourage resilience that we will get through this. The ‘What If’ questions may come and while it might feel awkward dealing with them, the answer can be “Well, I don’t know the answer to that, I can try find out for us, and in the mean time we can try stay positive and keep doing the right thing”.
These conversations can be had candidly and without fearful or scary details. Remember my favourite phrases for imparting information to children “In digestible pieces and age appropriate”. While we continue to acknowledge their fears and validate and empathise with them, we will reassure them and show them we are there for them if they need us.

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