The goal of therapy is to create a safe secure and stable space for clients who may find their lives touched by issues outside of their control.

A therapist’s job is to install the notion of safety on every level.

Externally the space will be clean and comfortable with everything in the same order each week. Clients may return to the same objects until they have processed whatever internal turmoil is worked through. Internally the client should feel safe and secure knowing the therapist will be able to hold whatever emotional turmoil arises when the triggers happen during the session.

Online therapy follows the same rules and with discussion and encouragement at the beginning of the process the client can be assured of support. This includes measures to manage online connection or disconnection.

Therapy begins the moment a client enters the space.

The therapy process happens as the client begins to tell their story. Story can be used in the narrative or through art. This allows the client a safe distance to express their emotions through metaphor or symbols or creativity. It is within the process of doing this the client can access the cognitive, emotional, and somatic expression that unfolds in a session.

Trauma always remains lodged in the body and clients are often hyper vigilant, (reacting to sudden movements or sounds), hyper -sensitive to light or sound and will nearly always have low levels of trust in the world around them. This manifests itself in poor levels of concentration and focus, low levels of self -worth and esteem and will need the therapist to provide security and trust throughout a therapy session.

Building a relationship with the client is the first step for a therapist and building trust and respect will always be the foundation a client will need. If that client is a child, with little understanding or memory of what may have caused these feelings it is incumbent on us all working with them to be particularly aware and sensitive to their needs.

Time, patience, and creative ways for the child to access their feelings works well for most children and adults. Healing takes time and commitment, and this is often difficult for clients to realise. Gentle reminders from the therapist of how brave a client is to reach out for help and support go a long way as the progress continues. Often a client will feel they are getting nowhere until they are reminded of the amount of work they have done so far.

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