

Bereavement Support

The pain of grief and loss is difficult to explain to anyone who has not felt it. Unfortunately, all of us will have experience with it at some point. When it happens, it can be overwhelming and confusing and many of us have no idea how helpless and hopeless it can sometimes feel. Being able to share your story with a bereavement specialist can lead to a greater understanding of the grieving process. This understanding allows a person to process the feelings and mixed emotions that accompany the death of a loved one.


Self-Care Workshops

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can lose the sense of who we are and what we are doing here. We may have a responsible role to play in many areas of our lives and little by little we let go of time for ourselves.  We say things like “I don’t have time to go for a walk”. This busyness does not happen overnight. It comes like a secret thief and we realise our sense of joy, our positive energy, our capacity to sleep has been stolen from us. This is when our planning of a self-care strategy is vital. We can work on this together.




There are times when we feel challenged in our daily lives. You might have a particular incident happen that knocks you back. You might have no idea why you are you feeling out of sorts, but your energy and normal coping skills do not seem enough. I always advise a visit to your G.P. first, and then if there seems no physical reason for these feelings it can help to talk to a professional. Working creatively, with confidentiality, and non-judgementally, a safe space is given to look at what strategies you can put in place to support yourself . 


Below please find the prices for the services I offer: 

Individual (per hour)     €75

Group (per hour)           €100

Workshops (per hour)  €200

Please visit my contact page to get in touch.

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